Creating fuzzy flowers is not a difficult task. Today, I will share the complete process with you, allowing you to watch and learn at your leisure. Let’s get straight to the point.
01 Step One: Arranging and Combing Fuzz
1. Arranging fuzz begins by laying out the fuzz strands according to your preferred color or the color of the petals in the pattern. The middle split represents the colors on both sides of the petals, which requires a fixed frame and a hairpin for threading fuzz.
2. Combing fuzz mainly involves smoothing the fuzz strands to remove any prickly hairs, resulting in a smoother appearance and a more realistic petal effect once completed. This step requires spraying water onto the fuzz thread to prevent it from frizzing.
02 Step Two: Tying, Cutting, and Rolling Fuzz
1. Tying fuzz primarily involves cutting out the components of each petal, with the key being the control of the distance between ties. A larger distance results in larger petals, while a smaller distance results in smaller petals, which can be adjusted according to your needs.
2. Cutting fuzz involves trimming the tied fuzz strands, with each individual fuzz row becoming the main body of our petals.
3. Rolling fuzz involves rolling up the fuzz rows to make the fuzz strands fluffy, which will make the color transition of the pressed petals look more aesthetically pleasing and natural. However, this step can be labor-intensive, so using a fuzz-rolling tool is recommended.
03 Step Three: Pointing, Flattening, and Applying Fixative
1. Pointing primarily requires precise trimming of the fuzz ball’s prickly hairs to shape the size of the petals, with the sides needing to be narrowed because they will be joined together to form petals later.
2. Flattening involves pressing the two sides together to successfully create the shape of our petals.
3. Applying fixative involves applying our fixative liquid to finalize the initial formation of our petals.
04 Step Four: Trimming Petal Edges, Ironing, and Assembling with Pistil and Stamen
This step mainly involves trimming the edges, removing any excess parts of the petals, thus completing our petals. Finally, we need to iron the petals to create curvature, truly completing our petals. Once our petals, leaves, and stamen are ready, they can be assembled into our fuzzy flower.